3 Simple Steps to Getting a Sharper Twitter Cover Photo

Have you ever uploaded a photo for your Twitter cover image, only to realize that when you click “Save” the image immediately becomes blurry? It’s daunting enough to remember all of the recommended image sizes for social media, never mind having to upload and re-upload image after image to achieve the right quality.
We have good news: You can finally stop spending time on getting the perfect Twitter cover header, because we’ve cracked the case! We searched and searched and finally stumbled across the ultimate solution for uploading photos in the best quality for Twitter header images.
3 Simple Steps to Getting a Sharper Twitter Cover Photo
1. Use the Right Dimensions
Twitter recommends using an image dimension size of 1500px by 500px, but we advise going even bigger. Using 3000px by 1000px for your header will allow your image to look sharper and guarantee a clean cover photo.
2. Adjust the Opacity
After making sure your header is 3000px by 1000px and creating your design, there’s one key step that is completely necessary in order to make sure your cover photo isn’t blurry or pixelated. You need to pull your image’s opacity down to 99%. This step may seem unnecessary but is the only way to guarantee that Twitter will save your image as a PNG. Otherwise, Twitter will automatically upload your header as a JPG, and we don’t want that.
3. Save As a PNG & Adjust Size
After adjusting the opacity, save your image as a PNG file and make sure the file size is as small as possible. Now you can upload your photo to Twitter with no pixelation issues! Congratulations, you finally have the tools you need to upload a high-quality image as your Twitter cover photo. We know, it’s been a LONG time coming.
Now that your Twitter profile is on the road to looking better than ever, get in touch with our expert marketing team today to start fleshing out your social media content strategy.
If you’re interested in getting started with digital marketing for your business, contact Teamwork today to schedule a consultation.